When purchasing do not understand the distinction between a variety of webbing or ropes that is a very troublesome thing. Now, we mainly to talk about what is the difference between polyester and polypropylene? how to quickly identify them? EP webbing manufacturer factory help you to solve the problems.

First of all, polypropylene and polyester are synthetic materials. They are both polymers, which is essentially plastic. As a result their colors won’t fade or bleed when washed because the colors are built into the material.

Generally we use the burning method to identify the fiber is best simple, but also the blended product is not easy to judge.


Polyester fiber, near the flame that is rapidly crumpled into a white gelatinous, in the flame melt droplets and foaming, burning without flame, leaving the flame difficult to continue to burn, emitting celery taste, after cooling light brown melt is not easy crushed.


What-Is-the-Difference-Between-Polyester-and-PolypropylenePolypropylene fiber, near the flame that is melting, flammable, from the fire burning slowly and black smoke, that the top of the flame yellow, the bottom of the blue, emitting a smell of oil, burning ashes after the hard light yellow brown particles, hand twist easy broken.

The above is for the polyester and polypropylene from the burning aspects of identification distinction, hoping to help you.


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