Tie Down webbing buckles Comparison

Tie Down Property Polypropylene Nylon Polyester
Overall Safety Poor Fair Excellent
UV Protection Good Good Excellent
Water Resistant Excellent Fair Excellent
Break Strength
(subject to change)
700 lbs.
2,500 – 7,000 lbs
2,000 – 10,000 lbs.
Abrasion Resistance Poor Fair Excellent
Fiber Stretch Poor

Nylon webbing buckles

Nylon webbing is a high-strength elastic material, usually used for belt applications (especially flat nylon). The material tends to stretch the web about 2% when wet. Experts warn that nylon webbing should not be continuously exposed to water because the material tends to absorb liquid, and if it is not properly maintained, it may be mildew.

Polyester webbing buckles

Polyester Ribbon durable, similar in appearance to nylon. This material is suitable for applications where lifting loads are required. Polyester webbing has low water absorption, more mildew and corrosion resistance than nylon. This webbing is typically used in applications that include racing harnesses and seat belts.

webbing buckles webbing buckles

Polypropylene webbing buckles

This type of webbing is usually used for outdoor applications. Some of the products made with this webbing include window and plastic bags. Polypropylene webbing is comparable to nylon, although it is usually lighter. In addition, it is waterproof with U.V. Although it has low abrasion resistance, the material is processed in varying degrees of thickness. According to experts, the most suitable for medium-intensity operation.


Nylon is a very strong webbing that comes in many bright colors, but can fade in the sun after repeated exposure, and can stretch when wet about 2% the length of the webbing over repeated use. Polypropylene is a lighter duty webbing, but has U.V. Protection, water resistant, and overall is a great outdoor webbing. But, it typically in more standard colors and has a rough feel if repeatedly used against the skin. Polyester is a great outdoor or indoor webbing it is strong and abrasion resistant.